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PJ Bergin's Studio

A place to inspire

When I’m not putting my Joomchi collages together in the studio, I read all sorts of books and articles about other artists and how they practice their art.

One detail I noticed is there are many who work in a solitary fashion, just like I do. I need time and space to THINK. Thinking is a huge part of how my Joomchi artwork comes together. I’m an early riser, but there are times before my feet hit the floor when I lay in bed taking mental notes in the quiet of the dark morning. Later I will transcribe these thoughts into my journal in the studio.

The studio (pictured above) is my refuge and “place of creation.” I spend hours upon hours here. I am so focused when working that I often don’t even have music playing. It’s just me and my brain working on new innovations and ways to present the Hanji and encaustic medium in a distinctive form.

Like my bio, the photo above reveals a lot about me. You can see souvenirs of my travels in Asia and South America, the beautiful calligraphy brushes, the good luck totems and special books of inspiration. All of these items play an indirect influence on me as I work. Their spirits talk to me. I love being in this room. It keeps me motivated and energized.

It’s my place to find the words that are my artistic beacon: inspiration, vision, innovation, and distinction.