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2020…How Has the Year Left Us?

We are all probably looking back to early January, 2020 when the new year was looking bright.  The calendar was beginning to fill with engagements. Excitement was in the air – a new decade upon us!  It was not long before it turned to a very different story.  The year looked like it would never end with a new surprise taking us on an unexpected journey almost every day.  Now we are coming to the conclusion of this “fly by the seat of our pants” year.

Lisa Purdy – All Marinas Are Not The Same

What have we come away with?  How has each one of us emerged?

A new exhibit at D’Art Gallery in the Santa Fe Arts district in Denver, CO asked artists around the country to answer those questions.  The jurist Mary Voelz Chandler selected 45 works from over 500 submitted for the show.  Two artworks that stand out for me is Lisa Purdy’s painting “All Marinas Are Not The Same”.  To me, it depicts the question many of us struggled with throughout 2020. Where do I go from here?  Where is a safe refuge?  The colors are restful, soothing, but there is an underlying uneasiness that has been with us day af

Bryon Draper – Seeking Protection

ter day.  The other piece stopping me in my tracks is the sculpture by Utah artist, Bryon Draper. Titled “Seeking Protection”, the theme is similar.  This time it is depicted with bronze and stone. The figure is holding a steering wheel.  What can he control?  There is a look of puzzlement combined with terror in his face.

It is an honor to also be a part of the show with “Let Your Mind Dance No.4”.  While fusing the Hanji and stitching over the layers it came to mind resiliency and positive events are outcomes of this time along with the hardships. The energy to find something each day to give thanks, to reach out with support and give joy is how we have come this far and still have hope.

Please visit the D’Art Gallery, 900 Santa Fe Dr. Denver, CO.  You will be moved by the messages sent with the artwork created by artists from 18 states and the District of Columbia.

Thank you, PJ

PJ Bergin – Let Your Mind Dance No.4